Blog The Child Guardian network was developed as the result of a first hand missing child experience. Loosing a child is the most terrible feeling in the world and no parent should ever need to suffer through it. Unfortunately the harsh reality is that in the USA alone nearly 800,000 children younger than 18 are missing each year, or an average of 2,185 children reported missing each day. This is an unacceptable stat and our goal is to change this. Wed, 29 Mar 2017 22:47:53 +0000 en-gb Our Youtube Channel Goes Viral child-guardian-ytThroughout the years of 2011 and 2012, Blue Ocean Interactive decided to expand it's services and get into the mobile app development industry. We went on to develop new ideas and strategies of what our first app should be and we ended up choosing to go with the idea of Child Guardian; an app that would help parents alert their friends, family, and the Child Guardian Network if their child or loved one went missing. Learn more about our Child Guardian App here.

During the development process of the Child Guardian app, Blue Ocean began to build an online marketing strategy to promote the new app and one of the ideas that came up was to create a Youtube channel that would showcase videos meant to entertain the children of the Child Guardian Network. This idea lead to the creation of children related 'mashup' songs as well as classic children's stories being read while following the illustrations within the book.

We had the intention of these videos going 'viral' but we had no idea we would see some of the videos get well over 1 million views! By combining extremely popular songs with Children's TV show characters we were able to create some very successful viral videos. Take a look at the Child Guardian Youtube Channel.

We will continue to develop more videos in this nature as it is turning out to be a GREAT marketing strategy to both gain branding awareness at a very low cost as well as entertain and engage our Child Guardian Network with more than just an app.

Take a look at our most viewed video, currently sitting at 10 million views!

]]> (Administrator) blog Thu, 28 Nov 2013 13:52:32 +0000